
Skipping Stone – Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals

By Aldi Lloshi Dec 14, 2023 | 12:00 PM

An art wall at the Skipping Stone offices. Each individual piece created by a community members who partook in classes or programs. (Aldi Lloshi CMRU.ca)

The Skipping Stone organization in Calgary aims to create safe and welcoming spaces for transgender, non-binary, or gender-diverse individuals. Their mission is “to connect trans and gender-diverse youth, adults, and families with comprehensive and low barrier access to the support they deserve”. I had the opportunity to speak with Mimi, the Learning and Engagement Coordinator and learn a little more about Skipping Stone. They discussed how important the Skipping Stone organization was to them and other community members, even as a learning resource for allies. The core values of Skipping Stone are quoted as:

  • Empowerment comes through education, compassion, and illuminating the unique strengths, skills, and talents of others.
  • Support is tangible and intangible. We value our community and aim to lift others up. We stand alongside our service users and create space for expression and belonging.
  • Love is at the core of our work because it is at the core of humanity. Our love for our family, friends, colleagues, and community abounds. We aim to share this love and light with all those we encounter.

Free programs

Skipping Stone has plenty of programs available to the public, and you can find them on the Skipping Stone website. Some of Skipping Stone’s programs include:

  • Voice classes
  • Affirming healthcare
  • Peer mentoring
  • Expressions – helping people learn to express themselves in a safe environment
  • ID clinics
  • Community Coaching

Resources help friends and family too

Alongside the many programs offered, Skipping Stone also provides many educational resources that anyone can go through. These resources include the core concepts of gender diversity basics, how to create more inclusive spaces, and tips for proper pronoun use. A lot of the resources also cater to trans folks and their family or loved ones. There are also a lot of guides and people you can talk to within Skipping Stone about beginning your transition, or just being there for someone who might be. 

Author’s Note

After working with Skipping Stone and being at their offices, I noticed that they had such a strong sense of inclusion. I primarily spoke with Mimi, the Learning and Engagement Coordinator at Skipping Stone, they were very welcoming and seemed very excited to talk about their programs and spread the word. The thing I found most interesting about their organization was all the learning tools and opportunities they had available to the public.

Even if you are not trans yourself, I would highly recommend looking into Skipping Stone. And if you do identify as transgender and are looking for safe spaces, there is such a wide variety of programs and classes you can take through Skipping Stone.

The quote that stood out to me the most from Mimi was “the best way to help the community as an ally is to educate yourself, don’t put that burden on other trans people”. The Skipping Stone organization is so refreshingly forward thinking and is one of a kind. Overall, as an ally I felt welcomed, even through just some short passing conversations or introductions everyone seemed very eager and passionate about all the work they do.


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