
Woods Homes has positively impacted Mikayla Kardynal’s life

By Arielle O'Shea Dec 6, 2023 | 1:32 PM

Mikayla Kardynal, is a former William Taylor Learning Centre student. She attended the day school on the grounds of Woods Homes from the age 14-15. She uses her meditation room at home daily (Arielle O’Shea, CMRU.ca).

Mikayla Kardynal says her success “started at Woods Homes and led me to where I am today”. Woods Homes is a non-profit organization that provides support and programs for children, youth, and adults who are struggling with mental health issues. Mikayla was struggling with passing school and finding her purpose in life when she discovered Woods Homes. Her high school teachers gave her a recommendation to attend a Woods Homes day treatment school because they thought that a more one-on-one learning environment would be exactly what she needs to succeed in school. They were right.

William Taylor Learning Centre

Mikayla attended a day school called the William Taylor Learning Centre on the grounds of Woods Homes. She went there at the age of 14 for one year. This day school is available for anyone who is ages 11-18, and is having difficulties in traditional school. This program includes one CBE teacher and one Woods Home counselor to offer the students a more individualized learning experience.

One-on-one learning

At the Woods Homes day school Mikayla met teachers there that gave her a different learning experience then what she was used to. This inspired her to not give up on school. The teachers spent valuable time working individually with her on schoolwork and teaching her in alternative ways including giving her hands-on experience. This allowed her to get her grades up in high school. Woods Homes was the first time that she “felt a sense of belonging, safety and inclusion at school” Mikayla says. One teacher in particular really connected with Mikayla and taught her to cherish the little things in life. This teacher helped Mikayla find something positive that she really loves; yoga and meditation.

Post Woods Homes

During her time at Woods Homes, Mikayla found a new passion for school and writing. After she left Woods Homes, she went back to her original high school. She then ended up finishing valedictorian of her high school class. Since her time at Woods Homes, she has become very successful. She is now a Mount Royal University graduate with a degree in Communications. Although a lot of years have gone by, she is forever grateful to Woods Homes for helping her during a dark time in her life. Mikayla has learned many valuable lessons that she still incorporates in her everyday life.

The little things in life

 Mikayla takes time everyday to find joy in the little things, which is a skill that she picked up from her time at Woods Homes. 

These activities include:

      • Drumming
      • Watering her plants
      • Creative writing
      • Journaling
      • Yoga
      • Meditation

Author’s Note

I can see this project affecting the youth in the community in a positive way. The goal of this project is to inspire youth in the community who are struggling with traditional school to look into Woods Homes Day school. The William Taylor Learning Centre, located at the grounds of Woods Homes gives kids a chance to excel in school by providing more one-on-one support from teachers, which is something that a lot of students would benefit from. Mikayla Kardynal was one of the youth, who didn’t feel like the traditional public schools were working for her. Instead of giving up on school, she gave the Woods Homes day school a chance, and now she is a successful university graduate with a career in communications. I can see this project benefiting Mikayla by showing people how far she has come since she was first recommend to Woods Homes. My music video shows the audience a glimpse of Mikayla’s daily activities, such as yoga and mediation, which are skills she acquired from her time at Woods Homes. She wanted to use this video to make people who are struggling with school aware that they too can find something that they are passionate about, and maybe they can grow to enjoy school like she did. I feel like this music video, did a great job at spreading this message. 

The key takeaway I have learned through this project is to not be afraid to reach out to people and ask if they’d be interested in doing an interview. I first reached out to an employee at Woods Homes, and asked if they knew any past client who would want to share their experience at Woods Homes with me. I originally didn’t think that they would be willing to recommend me to someone, but to my surprise they answered me back within a day with a person to contact for an interview. Therefore, next time I have an assignment with an interview subject required, I will reach out to people even if I think they will say no.


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