
In Person Learning Fully Captures the university experience that online learning couldn’t.

By Taylor Boisvert Jan 10, 2024 | 12:35 PM

Students get tired of screens and are very over with online learning. (Taylor Boisvert CMRU.ca)

Since the pandemic is now seemingly behind us, online learning has become more obsolete, Its widespread popularity has become a thing of the past. However, many students for almost two years or more had to use online learning as their everyday mode of education. 

My experience with online learning.

I was in my first year of university when the pandemic was at its worst and I struggled at times to get out of my bed, go to my desk and join my class virtually. It took out most of the social aspect that I loved about school. 

Did online school lead to laziness?

However it felt to me like teachers were the same and I had countless classes canceled as well as fewer assignments during that period. It seemed like everyone was lazy and did the bare minimum for their education. That for me lead to much easier success in school which was nice. So in that aspect I found that the content side of university was much easier, especially in my program which is very hands-on. 

In- person learning experience is more immersive.

Now I do really believe that in person learning may have more work attached to your university experience. However I would not trade it anyday for online school. Purely for the social aspect that really helps me thrive as a student. The instructors and teachers impact your learning much more, and help with difficult parts in a much more efficient way. When we were online trying to reach them via email or talking in class over some spotty Wi-Fi it became much more difficult to communicate which became frustrating.

In person learning will always win.

The broadcast and media studies program is so hands-on and  if this program was taught fully online, I would not nearly be as educated as I am today. Online has its benefits in that it may be easier to get the grades but I would fully agree that in person learning is the way to go to get that fully immersive university experience. That experience comes with how tight of a community MRu and broadcast is specifically. It feels like one big family and when online, I didn’t feel that sense of togetherness like when I was in highschool. Now that we are back in person that full university experience i was looking for has made me a much more productive and happy student.


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