
Mixed Media

Maintaining Mental Health in University

Dec 8, 2021 | 9:10 AM

Mental Health of Students (Kaamil Kareemi, CMRU.ca)

Mental health is emerging as a common concern for many university students. Studies show COVID-19 factors like self-isolation, lifestyle balancing, social distancing, and fears of financial security and futures are causing increases in mental health problems and suicide in Canadians.

The following statistics outline changes in Canadian mental health rates since the COVID-19 pandemic began:

Reporting mental health as excellent or very good:

  • Canadians; 68% (Pre-COVID) down to 55% (July 2020)
  • Youth (15-24 years); 60% (Pre-COVID) down to 40% (July 2020)
  • Women; 52% (Compared to 58% for men)

Reporting mental health as fair or poor:

  • Gender diverse people; 70% (Compared to Female = 25.5%, Male = 21.2%)
  • Visible minorities; 27.8% (Compared to White people = 22.9%)

Changes in Substance Abuse:

  • Heavy alcohol use; 16% increase (highest for ages 35-54)
  • Cannabis use; 6.1% increase (highest for ages 15-35)

Personal Reflection

This project was designed to be a thorough resource to help people dealing with mental health problems. My hope is that this becomes a lasting resource for the MRU community to access facts and resources to aide in mental health recovery. Through the experience of conducting and editing the interviews, creating the skits, editing the photo, and researching for the text, I learned more about how other’s deal with mental health and how I can personally manage my own in better ways. I found more creative ways to express the message and connect emotionally with my own work.


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