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A review of a classic: Fight Club (1999)

By Gregor Ivanov Nov 12, 2021 | 5:45 PM

David Fincher’s cult classic Fight Club. The film explores an insomniac office worker who meets a free soul soapmaker, Tyler Durden.

Both decide to start a fight club in order to get away from the stress of their everyday lives and gather more and more people, eventually ending up to create a giant fight club in a bar basement. The movie takes a wild turn and turns into a film about mayhem and chaos.

The film itself is based on the Chuck Palahniuk book, and does a great job of adapting the elements within the novel to a film. The use of music within the film adds a dark element but still keeps the bad boy look when looking at the character of Tyler Durden. The films use of music does a great job of adding an unsettling and cool vibe when scenes are shown.

The film has some of the best character development I’ve seen out of any film. We see Ed Norton’s character take a massive development when he meets Tyler Durden and lives the lifestyle that Tyler does. The audience gets to see a view into the lives of people who felt they were wronged by society and need a way to get their aggression out. We see these characters develop into what we don’t expect and take a turn for the worse.

Personally this is one of my favourite movies of all time due to its theme and it’s change of pace that it takes throughout the film. It’s a film that going into isn’t what you expect, it’s a film that dives into many themes and can be unsettling at times but it’s what drives the plot forward. it includes a star studded cast of Ed Norton, Brad Pitt, Meatloaf and Helena Bonham-Carter. This is in my opinion one of Brad Pitt’s best acting performances as he takes on a persona where he has to adapt to what happens throughout the film.

If there’s a film I would recommend be put on a bucket list of films, I would put this movie right at the top.

– Gregor Ivanov


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